Mac-Source 1994 July
C and C++
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/* Kevo -- a prototype-based object-oriented language */
/* (c) Antero Taivalsaari 1991-1993 */
/* Some parts (c) Antero Taivalsaari 1986-1988 */
/* memory.h: Memory and object management structures and internals */
/* Memory allocation internals */
char* mymalloc();
char* mycalloc();
char* myrealloc();
char* allocStrCpy();
/* Object structures and internals */
Note that in Kevo files the term 'object' has two meanings:
1) The plain term 'object' usually refers to a structure which
is composed of a handle and a store. The struct 'OBJECT*' is thus
actually a pointer to a handle, rather than an object in the
object-oriented sense. The handle structure is called OBJECT, and
the data part STORE.
OBJECT structures may be of two basic kinds:
- 'primitive' is a special kind of OBJECT whose size field is 0
and which refers to an executable C function (no STORE part).
- 'closure' is an OBJECT which contains executable threaded code
in its STORE part. The threaded code may be a real operation,
or then e.g. be a variable and load some data to data
stacks. The data are stored within the threaded code itself.
Since OBJECT is a two-level structure, the size of the STORE part
can be changed dynamically (primitives cannot be resized, though).
2) In some places we speak of "object-oriented objects". This term refers
to a special kind of 'OBJECT' which refers to a 'CONTEXT' structure.
Context is a name space, i.e. a mapping from names (called PAIRs) to
OBJECTs. It serves as the implementation-level equivalent of truly
object-oriented objects.
Note that the self-reference in Kevo is a pointer to OBJECT. Not all
OBJECTs can however receive messages.
/* IMPORTANT: 'mfa should always be the first field in 'objectStruct'. */
References such as '(*up)->priority' are based on the fact that the offset
to store parts is zero.
typedef struct objectStruct OBJECT;
typedef struct storageStruct STORE;
struct objectStruct {
STORE* mfa; /* Memory pointer (memory field address) */
int sfa; /* Object size (size field address) */
/* Inlined for speed */
#define createStore(size) ((STORE*)mycalloc(1, (size)*CELL))
OBJECT* createPrimitive();
OBJECT* createClosure();
OBJECT* copyObject();
void deleteObject();
void resizeClosure();
int recognizeObject();
Store is a structure whose size may grow and shrink dynamically.
Primitive (C code) objects do not have a store field, but the address of
the C operation is stored directly in the 'mfa' field of the object.
The size field of a primitive object is always 0 to differentiate such
objects from other kinds of objects.
struct storageStruct {
int* efa; /* Execution field (execution field address) */
int* pfa; /* Parameter field (parameter field address) */